Sunday, August 10, 2008

JSMP Welcomes 2A Gear

JSMP welcomes new dealer 2A Gear, located in Adairsville, GA.

- Jeff

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Customer Satisfaction

I just received my order of the Beginner 2 Ground Unit, and it looks great. I can’t wait to start blasting away. If it wasn’t 95 degrees outside, I’d go this afternoon! I placed my order yesterday at 8:00am. It’s 2:00pm the next day, and it’s here. Less than 30 hours later. My Mon-Fri job is purchasing for a large construction company. If half of my vendors delivered their products as well as you guys, my job would be so much easier. I can’t wait to go shooting, and I can’t wait to order from you guys again! Keep doing what you are doing, your company is the model of what a business should be!

Gregg H
Leitchfield, Kentucky

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Register To Vote, Or Register Your Guns

Register to vote, or register your guns! With the 2008 campaign already well underway, it is critical that gun owners and gun rights supporters are registered to vote in advance of respective deadlines. Make no mistake, opponents of our freedom will be working hard over this next year to gain momentum they need to attack our rights. It is critical that we as gun owners are registered to vote and that we most assuredly vote on Election Day.

To assist you in registering to vote this year, NRA-ILA has a number of tools available.

Protect your Second Amendment Rights by exercising your right to vote!

- Jeff

Monday, July 7, 2008

Rare Victory!

Welcome to the 6th installment of The JSMP Weekly.

With so many shooting ranges across the nation under attack from encroachment (land developers) and environmentalists, it was a pleasant surprise when a judge recently ruled in favor of the Metacon Gun Club, in Simsbury, Conn., in a lawsuit that threatened to close the range. A local environmental group had tried to shut down Metacon because of claims the range was “unreasonably polluting or impairing the air, water, soil, and other natural resources of the state.” Superior Court Judge William T. Cremins said in his decision; “Based on the more credible evidence, the court finds that the plaintiff has not met its burden of proof and therefore finds for the defendant without cost.”

It’s great to see the judicial system working correctly!

See Ya Next Week,

- Jeff

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Special Thank You

I would like to thank Scott L. Maxwell of the 3rd Squadron 73rd Cavalry Regiment serving in Scania, Iraq for his thoughtfulness. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the paratroopers.

Thanks Again,

- Jeff

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Satisfied Customer


I purchased two of your ART targets a few weeks ago. I was looking at your targets on the web and wasn’t sure which targets I needed. I called your customer service number for help on deciding which targets would work for me. I shoot 45 pistol, 223 rifle and shotgun. I spoke with Gary and he was a big help. His advice not only got me the right target, but it saved me money. We had the chance to use them yesterday and I am very satisfied and impressed! The ART balls are great. We were shooting them up the backstop and they would roll back to us. We could keep them rolling non stop until out of ammo. I’m not sure, but we used up about 1500 to 2000 rounds of ammo between all of us and the ART targets weren’t hurt at all. We were even using deer slugs. We had a great time with your targets. Thanks Gary.

A Satisfied Customer,

Jason, C.

Mesa, AZ

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy July 4th

We would like to wish you and your family a happy and safe July 4th!

- Jeff

Monday, June 30, 2008

Remington Arms Receives Grants

Welcome to the 5th installment of The JSMP Weekly.

Remington Arms located in Ilion, NY recently received two grants totaling $3 million dollars from the New York State Senate and another from the Empire State Development Corp. It is amazing how a depressed economy can change one’s mind about gun manufacturers.

Remington will add $10 million to expand the Ilion facility and add 100 new jobs. However, I think that calling the jobs "new" is a bit questionable... In January, Remington purchased H&R Firearms Co., of Gardner, MA. The "new" jobs are actually being transferred from there. Bear in mind, Remington is owned by Cerberus Capital Management, L.P.

I think consolidation leads to less competition, less consumer choices and higher consumer prices. New York state Sen. James L. Steward said “ This truly will have a ripple effect.” Let’s hope it is for the better and not the worse.

See Ya Next Week,

- Jeff

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Using the Correct Adhesive/Thread Locker Can Prevent Damage

We have all used epoxy or a Loctite product to fasten a mating part on to a weapon. We apply a couple of drops to the threads and tighten away. However, when installing critical parts such as Bi Lock Mount for a suppressor (pictured below) we suggest following the instructions completely.

We recommend using Flexbar Rocksett Ceramic Adhesive when attaching threaded components to the muzzle of barrels, because of the extreme temperatures experienced during use. Rocksett Ceramic Adhesive will withstand temperatures up to approximately 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit without breaking down. No epoxy or Loctite product will withstand these temperature extremes. Rocsett Adhesive is available from MSC Supply (1-800-645-7270). Using the correct adhesive or thread locker can prevent damage to a weapon and possible bodily injury.

- Jeff

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Great American Past-Time

I coached girls softball for 20 plus years. What was I to do, I had 4 daughters? Now that I'm retired, I attend my grand-daughter's (Shelbi) games as a spectator and love it. Seeing Shelbi full of energy and competitiveness brings back a lot of good memories of her mother and aunts. Shelbi's mother, Kelly, was an awesome catcher. Her aunt Jessie was a pitcher with an outstanding record. Aunt Emily still holds the record for stolen bases. Aunt Ellen had the best eye of any batter there ever was! She still holds the record for most walks in a season. Shelbi is following the foot steps of some local softball legends! I think she may surpass them all in time.

- Papaw

Friday, June 27, 2008

Paper Target Add-Ons

H-Bar Talk: Part 3

Our H-Bar Target Stand modular design lets you easily add a paper target holder so you can print your weapon on a paper target. First, remove the hare-pin clip from the cross rod and remove the cross rod from the uprights. The Paper Target Add-On can then slide easily over either the right or left upright of the H-Bar frame. Then insert the cross rod back into one of the holes located on the uprights, slide on the reactive targets, push the cross rod thru the other hole on the opposite upright and thru the corresponding holes located on the paper target add-on. Then replace the hare-pin clips. You can now shoot paper targets or reactive targets with one target unit.

The paper target add-on is available in two sizes. The AC-002 Paper Target Add-On measures 20” in height with 10” of adjustment. This allows you to set the center of mass of the target at 36” to 46” from the ground up.

The AC-003 Paper Target Add-On measures 30” inches in height with 10” inches of adjustment. This allows you to set the center of mass of the target at 46” to 56” from the ground up.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Supreme Court Strikes Down DC Gun Ban

Supreme Court strikes down DC Gun Ban! Ruling acknowledges that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right to protect ourselves in our homes!

- Jeff

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Recommended Safe Distance

What is the recommended safe distance when using Ballistic Polymer Targets?

We have all been use to the old standard of 25 yards for metal targets. That is no longer necessary with our Ballistic Polymer Targets. Our polymer targets can be used at “point blank” range. Our targets do not redirect the path of the bullet. Instead, the bullet continues moving forward, away from the shooter as the bullet passes thru the target.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

4-H Announces Fun Day Event Date

The Hamilton County 4-H Shooting Sports will hold their annual Fun Day event on Saturday September 15, 2008 at the Ballistic Technologies Proving Grounds. Fun Day is an all day event that offers the opportunity for children and their parents to experience Archery, Muzzle Loaders, Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun. The day ends with a hog roast and campfire.

JSMP would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the 4-H leaders for their time and dedication to America’s youth and the shooting sports.

Below are photos of last year's 4-H Fun Day.

- Jeff

Monday, June 23, 2008

JSMP Salutes South Carolina Governor

Welcome to the 4th installment of The JSMP Weekly.

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford signed in to law a bill introduced by State Rep. Mike Pitts that decreased the legal age to buy and sell firearms in South Carolina from 21 to 18. Sen. Brad Hutto agreed with the bill’s intent. Hutto said: “When you turn 18, you’re an adult. You can do everything but drink. You can register to vote. You can go into the military. You can get credit cards. You can enter a contract.”

Gov. Sanford said the deciding factor for him was this: "People who are 18 could serve in the military and carry handguns to protect the rights of others to own guns, but when they return home they couldn’t own a handgun.” Looks like in some places common sense is alive and well.

See Ya Next Week,

- Jeff

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Grandson's Birthday

I would like to wish Sonny Andrew Bennett a Happy 1st Birthday. Sonny's mother Jessica is a Ball State University graduate. Sonny's father Aaron is employed at Bam Outdoors.

- Love, Papaw

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Gun Videos

We would like to congratulate our friends at ArmsVault for their recent appearance on G4 TV's Attack of the Show. This episode showcased some of the best Weapons and Ammo blogs. ArmsVault's Gun Videos Blog was one of the three mentioned. Below is a clip of the G4 TV video.

Be sure to check out Gun Videos Blog to see their great selection of gun videos, including some of ours!

- Jeff

Monday, June 16, 2008

Public School Educators Fall Behind

I recently attended a public meeting between public school educators, parents, business owners and state level officials. The meeting opened with an overview of the evening’s agenda. The goal was to inform the public of the coming year’s curriculum and policy changes. The speaker stated they would welcome input from the audience at the close of the meeting.

As I sat there quietly and listened to the educators speak, I realized that most were out of touch with the general public and the existing situation in America today. It appeared to me that they were 2 to 4 years behind the times and suffered from the “Ostrich Syndrome” (head buried in the sand).

When the floor was opened for input from the audience, the administrators, principals, teachers, etc appeared shocked to hear that large numbers of people were losing their homes and jobs, that businesses were scaling back or closing, that people had to make life-changing decisions that impact their families. It seemed as if the educators lived in another world and were unaware of our world. I began to wonder, where do they receive the news from? How could they not know? Do they not shop at the same stores we do? Where do they buy their fuel?

Never did the educators voice concerns about lack of funds or reductions to their budgets. I find this alarming when most school systems are funded by property taxes. Most states are experiencing a high increase in home foreclosures and homeowners are seeing the value of their homes falling by 20 to 40 percent. I would think the educators would be looking at trimming their budgets as property tax collection declines in the next several years. It appears the public school system has lost the flexibility to change with the times as the rest of us are forced to do. So if the educators are behind because of a sheltered existence, where does that put our children’s education?

See Ya Next Week,

- Jeff

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

We would like to wish all fathers a Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

4-H Round Robin Has Record Participants

The Hamilton County 4-H Shooting Sports held their annual Round Robin event on Saturday June 14, 2008 at the Ballistic Technologies Proving Grounds. The event began at 8:30 am and ended at 2:00 pm. The disciplines offered were Archery, Muzzle Loaders, Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun. A record crowd was on hand for this event as 132 youth participated.

JSMP would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the instructors, leaders and parents for their time and dedication.

- Jeff

Monday, June 9, 2008

Number of Females Hunters Increase

We work closely with Fish and Wildlife Agencies across America. We supply them with targets, backstops, shooting range designs and safety products. We are involved in many of their organized youth shooting sports programs such as Hunters Education, Boy Scout Shooting programs and 4-H Shooting programs. I had the opportunity to view first hand the results of several surveys taken recently and I was glad to see a significant increase in the number of females that now hunt.

I have four daughters and they all enjoy shooting. They were raised around guns, but most of their female friends were not, and were a little "gun shy". We did introduce several of their friends to shooting and they loved it, but I never took any of them on a hunt. Hindsight being 20/20, I wish I would have.

The results of the survey shows that the number of female hunters, about 10 percent of the nation’s 12.5 million hunters, has grown slightly since 1991. More importantly, it shows significant growth among the youngest female hunters. According to the survey, 304,000 girls ages 6 to 15 hunted from 2001 through 2006 – a 50 percent increase in the number of young girls hunting from 1991 through 1996. As these young women grow older, they might have an even greater impact on the sport. Children who are brought up hunting will likely pursue the activity for their entire lives and introduce the sport to others.

See Ya Next Week,

- Jeff

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Indiana One-Day Getaway

I recently visited Riley Park, located outside Delphi, IN, with my daughter Kelly and her children Shelbi and Jaxon. Delphi is located in Northern Indiana on the Wabash River. We would recommend visiting Riley Park and taking a stroll on the board walk which leads to the suspension bridge over the Wabash River, or a hike on the scenic trails thru the hilly wooded country side.

- Jeff

Monday, June 2, 2008

Cerberus Capital Management's Impact on the Firearm Industry

Welcome to the 1st installment of The JSMP Weekly.

This week we take a look at Cerberus Capital Management and the impact they will have on the firearms industry. Cerberus is a huge investment company. It owns several brand names I’m sure you have heard of, such as: Chrysler, Air Canada, GMAC, National Car Rentals, Alamo Car Rentals and several other companies - too many to list. Recently Cerberus purchased Cobb Manufacturing, Bushmaster, Panther Arms, DPMS, Marlin and Remington.

This could be good for the shooting industry, or it could be a disaster. If they revitalize the firearms industry with new money, innovation and a long-term vision for the future that would be great. However, when one company controls a large portion of any industry, the outcome can be positive or negative. We have witnessed this several times through-out history. Rumors have it that Cerberus is looking at a couple of bullet and handgun manufacturers to buy. We can only hope for the best, but I for one do not believe Bigger is Always Better.

See Ya Next Week,

- Jeff

Sunday, June 1, 2008

JSMP Dealer Titan Armament

JSMP welcomes Titan Armament of Cape Coral, Fl as Stocking Dealer.

- Jeff

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Local Economic News

Most of economic news reported today seems to be bad, home foreclosures, plant closings, layoffs and high gas prices. However there is also good news to report. In our local economy there is a new automotive transmission plant being built by Chrysler just outside of Tipton Indiana. We had the opportunity to watch the “Flying Wasp” pick-up and set heavy components on top of the building. The helicopter made short work of 90 trips. It was amazing to watch. The History Channel was on location filming the event for a future episode of Modern Marvels “the Mega Movers”. We would like to thank Kelly, Dave and Jim for the photos.

- Jeff

Friday, May 30, 2008

Montgomery County Shooting Complex

Sunday I visited the Shelton Ferry Wildlife Management Area located on the outskirts of Clarksville, Tennessee. While there I had the opportunity to do some shooting at the Montgomery County Shooting Complex. This first class facility has been open for about a year and is the brainchild of Jereme Odom from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Steve Shelton, is the complex operations manager.

The complex, which is still under construction, now offers outside pistol ranges, rifle ranges, trap shooting and an archery range. When completed the complex will have 42 100-yard range stations, 10 400-yard range stations with some special shotgun stations as well as many different types of sporting clays and archery shooting such as walk-thrus. In addition, there will be inside shooting ranges for both pistol and rifle.

I enjoyed the day at the range; the hospitality and the weather were great! The sun was shinning, and it was about 90 degrees with very little wind. The RSOs (range safety officer) at the pistol range, Tommy and Roger were knowledgeable and very helpful.

After a day of shooting I was hungry and had the taste for some “real” southern barbeque. Steve Shelton made a phone call and a ½ mile later I was enjoying the best-barbecued ribs ever in Southside, TN at Lila’s Southside Store.

- Jeff

Thursday, May 29, 2008

U.S. Cavalry

Our hats are off to the people at U.S. Cavalry and the fine job they do. Visit them for the finest equipment for Homeland Security and National Defense.

- Jeff

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Big Daddy’s Outdoors

While in Bridgeport, Alabama I stopped by Big Daddy’s Outdoors to introduce them to JSMP targets.

- Jeff

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

JSMP Visits Fort Campbell

I recently had the opportunity to visit Ft Campbell, home of the Screaming Eagles and the 101st Airborne Division. We at JSMP would like to thank all the men and women stationed at Ft Campbell for their service and dedication to America.

If you ever have the opportunity to visit Ft. Campbell be sure to stop by the Wings of Liberty Museum and McGregor Park located on the Cumberland River.

- Jeff

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

We celebrate this day by honoring those who served and died to ensure America would remain forever free.

The History of Memorial Day

Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day because it was a time set aside to honor the nation's Civil War dead by decorating their graves. It was first widely observed on May 30, 1868, to commemorate the sacrifices of Civil War soldiers. In 1966, the federal government, under the direction of President Lyndon Johnson, declared Waterloo, N.Y., the official birthplace of Memorial Day. They chose Waterloo—which had first celebrated the day on May 5, 1866 because the town had made Memorial Day an annual, community-wide event during which businesses closed and residents decorated the graves of soldiers with flowers and flags. In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated the last Monday in May. Today, Memorial Day is celebrated at Arlington National Cemetery with a ceremony in which a small American flag is placed on each grave. Also, it is customary for the president or vice-president to give a speech honoring the contributions of the dead and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Welcome Race Fans!

Be sure to catch all the action at the Indianapolis 500...The Greatest Spectacle In Racing®

Saturday, May 24, 2008

JSMP Dealer Cheaper Than Dirt

Be checking the mail for Cheaper Than Dirt’s June 2008 Catalog # 106 and check out pages 38 - 39 for money saving deals on JSMP Targets.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Can I shoot the Prairie Dog Target with Rifle Calibers?


Can I shoot the Prairie Dog Target with high-powered rifle calibers such as .223, 243, 270 etc?


Yes, both the 3D Prairie Dog Target and the Swinging P-Dog Ground Unit can be shot with all centerfire rifle calibers including the 50 BMG. These targets can handle any bullet style, Ballistic Tips, Grand Slams, Hollow Points, etc. The more destructive the bullet is advertised to be the more these Dogs eat! So make sure you feed them plenty!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

JSMP Dealer in Australia

JSMP Targets are now available at Survival Arms located in Sadlier NSW Australia. Visit Camelia at for more information.

- Jeff

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pendleton County Sheriff's Department Trains with JSMP Targets

The Pendleton County Sheriff's Department headquartered in Falmouth, KY has purchased JSMP All Around Ground Units and Pistol Training Cubes for their tactical training needs.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Interchangeable Reactive Targets

H-Bar Talk: Part 2

Our H-Bar Target Stand design lets you easily change the reactive targets by removing the hare-pin clip from the cross rod and removing the rod from the uprights. The targets can then slide easily off and on of the cross rod. This would, for example, allow a shooter to conveniently switch from shooting our CP-009 Double Spinning Target with their handgun to rifle practice using one of our CP-010 Swinging Prairie Dog Targets, or any of our other component targets.

No other reactive target stand offers this flexibility. All other brands of reactive target units are manufactured with the target fixed in place by welding or forging. This can be costly to you in the long run. If you shoot pistols, rifles and shotguns it can mean purchasing 3 different target units rated for the appropriate caliber or weapon. With other brands, if a missed shot damages the target unit, it may be necessary to replace the ENTIRE unit because replacement parts are not offered. Most of all it limits the fun you can have. Visit our Component Targets category to see how you can build an H-Bar Unit to fit your target needs.

I will discuss the H-Bar Target Stand's Paper Target Add-on in part three of this series.

- Jeff

Monday, May 19, 2008

Shooting Sports Beginner

Dear Kelly:

I would like to thank you for your time and consideration. I am new to shooting and so far enjoy the sport very much. It is people such as you that make learning an enjoyable experience for a beginner. Your patience and knowledge helped me to save money and make the right target purchase. I did subscribe to the publication Women & Guns as you recommended. Thanks again.


Olga O.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Civil War Days at Conner Prairie

Saturday was a beautiful day in Indiana, sunny and about 65 degrees, with a little wind now and then. It was a good day to visit the Conner Prairie Pioneer Museum and check out the annual Civil War Days event. My grandchildren, Shelbi and Jaxon McKinley, who are history buffs, had a great time taking in the battle, cheering on the White River baseball team to victory over the Indianapolis team in an 1860's style game, discussing politics with President Lincoln, visiting the vendors and the food court. The turkey legs, biscuits and root beer made for a refreshing lunch.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Armed Forces Day

We would like to say Thank You to all of our Armed Forces personnel and their families for their service and sacrifice that keep us safe and free.

The History Of Armed Forces Day

President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country.

On August 31, 1949, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force Days. The single-day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under one department -- the Department of Defense.

Friday, May 16, 2008

H-Bar Target Stands Offer Versatility Other Units Lack

H-Bar Talk: Part 1

When I designed the H-Bar Target Stand I had the shooter in mind. My goal was to build a versatile, user-friendly target stand unit that possessed the following characteristics:

- Safe
- Lightweight
- Easy to transport
- Easy to store
- Able to sustain damage and continue to function
- Interchangeable targets (reactive targets and paper targets)
- Modular (ability to replace parts, if necessary)

If you have had a chance to use our H-Bar Target Stand, you probably appreciate each of these characteristics. The targets can be easily changed by removing the hare-pin clip from the stainless steel cross rod and removing the cross rod from one of the uprights. The targets can then easily slide off and on of the cross rod. The H-Bar Target Stand weighs less than 7 pounds and measures 19 inches in length and 16 inches wide.

I will discuss the
H-Bar Target Stand's available accessories in part two of this series.


Maximum Height of Paper Target Stands

What is the maximum height of the Paper Target Stand from the ground up?

Our Paper Target Stand adjusts from a 45" minimum height to a maximum height of 55". We can custom manufacture a paper target stand for those that need a higher center-line of target. For a quote contact us.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New Jersey Dept of Emergency Preparedness Purchase JSMP Targets

Atlantic County, NJ Public Safety Department of Emergency Preparedness choose JSMP Tactical Targets for Sniper and CQB training.

- Jeff

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fort Bragg Request Ballistic Polymer Samples For Testing

Fort Bragg, NC SOTF Range 19 Facility Engineers request Ballistic Polymer samples of various thickness for testing. Their goal is to find a lighter material to replace the heavy steel target pads currently in use on the LaRue target units to eliminate safety and wear issues.

- Jeff

Monday, May 12, 2008

Save Money In the Long Run

For most gun owners, a visit to the gunsmith is like a visit to the doctor or car mechanic. We only go when something is wrong, and by that time, the fix can be costly. Regular check-ups and maintenance can save us money in the long run. For weapons, regular cleanings are like an oil change on your vehicle or a cleaning by your dentist. It is necessary and can provide early detection of potential problems. Your gunsmith is knowledgeable and probably has an extensive library of material such as manuals for disassembly, part listings, current gun values, etc.

Now, for the “Do-It Yourselfer”. The following photos illustrate a case of trying to save money by avoiding the gunsmith visit. Pictured is a Nazi-era Mauser Pistol that an individual decided was in need of a thorough cleaning. So, without an instruction manual or any knowledge of the weapon, he attempted to disassemble the pistol. He soon discovered that he had broken the safety catch lever trying to remove the slide from the frame. Now he has the additional expense of a replacement part. Unfortunately, the individual was unaware of the collector value of this weapon. This could have been avoided with a visit to the gunsmith.

- Jeff

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

We would like wish all mothers the best on Mother's Day.

- Jeff

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pro Patria Chooses JSMP Targets for DMSP

Pro Patria located in Castorland, NY has chosen JSMP tactical training targets for the DMSP (Deployable Marksmanship Sustainment Package) they offer. Visit to view the products and services they offer.

- Jeff

Friday, May 9, 2008

Granddaughter’s Birthday

I would like to wish Ella Sue Jackson a Happy 1st Birthday. Ella's mother Emily is a registered nurse. Ella's Father Joe was a Sgt. in the Marine Corp and now farms.

- Love, Papaw

Thursday, May 8, 2008

King/Dickens County Texas Purchase JSMP Tactical Training Targets

The County Sheriff's Office which oversees King and Dickens Counties has purchased the JSMP ART (All Around Target) for pistol, rifle and shotgun training. The Sheriff's department is headquartered in Dickens Texas.

- Jeff

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Weapon Storage

A large portion of the weapons we receive to be re-blued are the result of improper storage. Unfortunately most weapons are stored in a gun case or holster under the bed, the back of a closet, in a draw, up high on a shelf, in basements, even garages gathering harmful moisture. Padded gun cases and holsters protect a weapon from nicks, dings, etc, but they do not protect against moisture or mildew. Gun cases and holsters are to protect a weapon during transportation (short term storage) not for long-term storage.

When storing a weapons, one needs to remember that hot air rises and cool air falls, meaning a weapon in a confined area receives limited air circulation and can be exposed to extreme differences in temperature, allowing moisture to gather rather quickly.

Below is a customer's Colt 1911 in 9mm that was stored in a holster, on top of a bedroom wardrobe, that had to be refinished. The pistol was purchased new and had only 7 rounds fired.

Below is a customer's .410 Stevens pump action shotgun that was stored under his bed in a padded case. It was a gift from his Grandfather and now will have to be refinished.

We recommend storing your weapon in an Anti-Corrosion Sleeve. Never store a pistol in a holster. Our friends at Midway USA offer Birchwood Casey’s Copper Tect Preservation Gun Case and Storage Sleeves. They prevent rust, block mildew and give padded protection. If you already have a padded case, visit Gun Parts (Numrich) Corporation and check out their GPC Gun Saver Bags.