Monday, July 7, 2008

Rare Victory!

Welcome to the 6th installment of The JSMP Weekly.

With so many shooting ranges across the nation under attack from encroachment (land developers) and environmentalists, it was a pleasant surprise when a judge recently ruled in favor of the Metacon Gun Club, in Simsbury, Conn., in a lawsuit that threatened to close the range. A local environmental group had tried to shut down Metacon because of claims the range was “unreasonably polluting or impairing the air, water, soil, and other natural resources of the state.” Superior Court Judge William T. Cremins said in his decision; “Based on the more credible evidence, the court finds that the plaintiff has not met its burden of proof and therefore finds for the defendant without cost.”

It’s great to see the judicial system working correctly!

See Ya Next Week,

- Jeff

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