Monday, June 23, 2008

JSMP Salutes South Carolina Governor

Welcome to the 4th installment of The JSMP Weekly.

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford signed in to law a bill introduced by State Rep. Mike Pitts that decreased the legal age to buy and sell firearms in South Carolina from 21 to 18. Sen. Brad Hutto agreed with the bill’s intent. Hutto said: “When you turn 18, you’re an adult. You can do everything but drink. You can register to vote. You can go into the military. You can get credit cards. You can enter a contract.”

Gov. Sanford said the deciding factor for him was this: "People who are 18 could serve in the military and carry handguns to protect the rights of others to own guns, but when they return home they couldn’t own a handgun.” Looks like in some places common sense is alive and well.

See Ya Next Week,

- Jeff

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