Monday, June 9, 2008

Number of Females Hunters Increase

We work closely with Fish and Wildlife Agencies across America. We supply them with targets, backstops, shooting range designs and safety products. We are involved in many of their organized youth shooting sports programs such as Hunters Education, Boy Scout Shooting programs and 4-H Shooting programs. I had the opportunity to view first hand the results of several surveys taken recently and I was glad to see a significant increase in the number of females that now hunt.

I have four daughters and they all enjoy shooting. They were raised around guns, but most of their female friends were not, and were a little "gun shy". We did introduce several of their friends to shooting and they loved it, but I never took any of them on a hunt. Hindsight being 20/20, I wish I would have.

The results of the survey shows that the number of female hunters, about 10 percent of the nation’s 12.5 million hunters, has grown slightly since 1991. More importantly, it shows significant growth among the youngest female hunters. According to the survey, 304,000 girls ages 6 to 15 hunted from 2001 through 2006 – a 50 percent increase in the number of young girls hunting from 1991 through 1996. As these young women grow older, they might have an even greater impact on the sport. Children who are brought up hunting will likely pursue the activity for their entire lives and introduce the sport to others.

See Ya Next Week,

- Jeff

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