Monday, May 12, 2008

Save Money In the Long Run

For most gun owners, a visit to the gunsmith is like a visit to the doctor or car mechanic. We only go when something is wrong, and by that time, the fix can be costly. Regular check-ups and maintenance can save us money in the long run. For weapons, regular cleanings are like an oil change on your vehicle or a cleaning by your dentist. It is necessary and can provide early detection of potential problems. Your gunsmith is knowledgeable and probably has an extensive library of material such as manuals for disassembly, part listings, current gun values, etc.

Now, for the “Do-It Yourselfer”. The following photos illustrate a case of trying to save money by avoiding the gunsmith visit. Pictured is a Nazi-era Mauser Pistol that an individual decided was in need of a thorough cleaning. So, without an instruction manual or any knowledge of the weapon, he attempted to disassemble the pistol. He soon discovered that he had broken the safety catch lever trying to remove the slide from the frame. Now he has the additional expense of a replacement part. Unfortunately, the individual was unaware of the collector value of this weapon. This could have been avoided with a visit to the gunsmith.

- Jeff

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