Monday, May 5, 2008

A Mother's Relief


I wanted to thank you for such a safe product and a mother’s relief. I am a mother of three. There were no guns in our household when I was a child therefore I have always been afraid of them. My husband however was raised around guns when he was a child and now wanted to teach our children how to shoot. I was horrified thinking about the possible injuries that could occur. I kept thinking about that saying “be careful or you’ll shoot your eye out” so I started talking to other mothers about my fears. A co-worker in my office has two children that participate in our local 4-H shooting program. She suggested that I attend the safety courses they offered to help with my fears. I did and was amazed how professionally and thorough the classes were taught. One of the main concerns they stressed over and over was about ricochets when shooting. Never shoot at a hard surface as a target such as rocks or anything metal. I asked one of the instructors what they used for targets and he showed me your targets. Knowing my husband would take the children shooting at my in-laws farm I told him about your targets and he agreed to try them. My husband and children love shooting them and I no longer worry about their safety.

Thanks Again,
Carol S

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