Monday, April 14, 2008

Phosphate (Parkerized) Finishes

Most of us know the durability of a parkerized finish. However the finish does need to be maintained. Parkerizing is a coating that lies on top of the metal instead of penetrating metal like bluing. We will clean a blued finish and then apply a light coat of oil to protect the blued finish but the same is not true for most parkerized finishes. They are neglected due to the durability claim. Parkerizing is a porous coating, which means it has microscopic pores, which can hold moisture from condensation created when a hot barrel cools. Left unattended this moisture can work its way under the coating and on to the metal causing rust and pitting underneath the coating and discoloration (dark spots, light spots, freckling) of the coating. To prevent this the pores can be sealed by applying a light coat of Howard’s Bee Wax on to the coating when you clean the weapon. This will prevent moisture from gathering in the pores, protect the metal underneath and keep the finish looking new.

- Jeff

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