Thursday, December 28, 2006

Holiday Targets

Dear Jeff and Just Shoot Me Products Staff:

I just wanted to wish you and your staff a happy and safe holiday and thank you for your generous gift of additional targets that arrived for Christmas, along with the order that my wife, Sandy, had placed for me. It sure was a nice surprise.

As a police officer and shooting enthusiast, I continue to appreciate your innovative products as being the safest, most versatile and fun reactive targets on the market as well as great training tools for a wide variety of applications. Your attention quality (some of my targets have thousands of rounds on them and are still usable) along with your "old fashioned values" type dedication to customer service and satisfaction, are things rarely seen nowadays.

I have attached a few photographs of some of my targets "being tested" right after Christmas.

Thanks again!
Lonny C

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Colorado West Gun Club Looks To JSMP For Safer Targets

The Colorado West Gun Club located in Paonia, CO purchases JSMP targets to eliminate safety concerns and offer their members moving targets and more fun at the range with ART, Pistol Cube and SCC (Small Caliber Cube) targets.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

National Gun Day

December 9-10, 2006

National Gun Day Show in Louisville, KY at the Kentucky Fair & Expo Center

The JSMP crew is set-up and ready for another great Louisville show.

- Jeff

Friday, December 8, 2006

National Gun Day

December 9-10, 2006

National Gun Day Show in Louisville, KY at the Kentucky Fair & Expo Center


Friday, December 1, 2006

A Shooter's Christmas

‘Twas a few weeks before Christmas, to the range we did go,
A few buddies and I, our Aimpoints aglow;

At 100 yards, the steel targets were set,
Our hopes were that ricochet, would not be a threat;

At first it went well, our shots were precise,
But the sound of the steel would come with a price;

A couple “Black Rifles”, a Mauser as well,
“We’re all perfect shots, as best I can tell”;

When down a few stands, came a rather loud screech
I turned to my right, replied, “Son of a Beech!!”…..

Away to Bob’s aid, I ran through the grass,
Seems a round of hot lead, had nicked Bob in the ass!

“Bob, would you calm down”, I replied with a smile,
“Swelling will subside, though it may take a while.”

Our holiday shooting had come to an end,
Due to steel targets, and the wound on my friend.

When what did I see, coming down through the fog,
But a miniature sleigh, and a Polymer P-Dog.

With a bag full of targets, it was obvious to me,
We were receiving a visit, from Saint JSMP.

With safety and value, the targets they came,
He whistled and shouted, and called them by name;

“Here’s a Backboard, a P-Dog, a Cube you can use,
If you had shot these, you would have prevented that bruise!”

We shot the new targets, the Saint was SO right,
“Now try these new colors”, he said with delight.

Bob, still bruised, spoke up with a smirk,
“For the CAS Shooter, that Polymer won’t work!”

The Saint responded, so calmly and sure,
“They use our DX-Iron, it’s the ricochet cure!”

The Saint announced that he must move along,
“There are bad habits to fix, that steel is all wrong!”

But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight,
“Stick with the Polymer Bob, and you’ll be alright.”

American Cop Magazine Dec06

American Cop Magazine Dec06
by John Connor

Tools & Toys Of The Trade

Smakin' paper targets with your .308 or .223 rifle has its own group-tightening rewards, but for real soul-fulfilling fun, bucking, swinging, jumping reactive targets are the E-ticket ride in riflery. JUST SHOOT ME PRODUCTS makes the best, most crazy-reactive bullet-eating polymer targets in the world, period, and now they're offering one that was requested by U.S. snipers fighting mountain-to-mountain duels with enemy shooters in Afghanistan. The "Tobeyknocker," a 4x4 block of Generation 2 polymer, was designed to be suspended in gorges and over cliffsides on aircraft cable so he's free to move erratically when pummeled with .50 BMG rounds. Yeah, fifties. Tac shooters can stake it out with a dog tether, and take turns bouncing it around - hitting him before he stops, right? Meet Tobey and all his cousins at

Guns Magazine Dec06

Guns Magazine Dec06
by John Connor


It seems like polymer chemist Jeff Kruse at Just Shoot Me Products had GUNS readers in mind when he invented the ART - "All 'Round Target." His finned 6" ball can be shot with any pistol or rifle caliber from .17 to .50 BMG, including 12-gauge buckshot and rifled slug and then the fun begins. The ART is a violently reactive target which spins, rolls, skips and flies up to 8' in the air when hit. You can chase it across the desert or bounce it 'round a sandpit until your barrel warps, and other than a few dings and discolorations, she'll be good as new - a lasting investment. The ART gives the question, "Wanna play ball?" a whole new meaning. See lots of brilliant bouncing targets at - and don't worry, Tommy Ten Thumbs - you can put it in a square box before wrapping it.

CC: I just got my own ART and can't wait to hammer it. My reactive Sniper Training Cube from Just Shoot Me Products has absorbed over 20,000 rounds of 5.56mm, 7.62mm and .50 BMG and she still dances, bucks and boogies every time the music plays. Note: Do not let your dog see the ART! This could lead to some humorous but frustrating - or tragic - scenarios.